
December 2007

The pillowcases above were made for my middle favorite daughter. We were shopping at JoAnn's recently and she was fondling the velvety flannel with great delerium. :-) She mentioned that she really, really, really loved the previous flannel pillowcase I had made for her and could I please, please, please make her some more with ::ahem:: all of these flannels? (Picture her batting her eyelashes at me in a very fetching manner. Not that fluttering eyelashes works with me (after all, I am the MOM, but I do succumb to earnest endearments. :-) )

How could I resist? Besides, the flannels were on sale. :-)

The body of the pillowcases were of the flannel, while the accent bands and bottom bands were obtained from my stash. The only pillowcase that was a tad disappointing was the green with purple band. The purple band had the most delightful green frogs on it. Since it was a directonal print, I had to make sure that the frogs reamined right side up on the band ... I'm sure they would have been very uncomfortable to be upside down all the time. But, I had only a very small amount in my stash and to have the frogs be right side up .... [sigh] their heads got cut off. Poor frogs. I profusely apologize.

Like so many other seamstresses, I've made my share of special pillowcases. I've used many different directions with many different techniques. Over the years, I have cherry-picked the best pieces of all of them into my own set of directions, so that *I* am happy with the finished pillowcase.

What I like about my directions are:

If you would like to try my directions, I've made them available as a PDF.

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